
We are all faced with ranges of mountains
their common aim to forestall us from reaching the top.
Never be intimidated by the size of a mountainyou may not need to move them.
If you look at a mountainyou will never take a step.
If you take steps, you will climb the mountain.
Only the avenge runs from mountains but the outstanding dare them.
Why share option with fearyou have no business to dialogue with doubt.
The top is within your reach, if you refuse to give up.
Each time you look for easy way out, you become a target of failure.
Only the feeble hearted give up at the appearance of the mountain.
Just climb to the top, and you will see great things kept at the other side. 
Don’t just work at the base of the mountain, do something about it. 

Even if you have to born holes through to the other side.
Knowing, you must move to the future well dreamt of.
